Terms and conditions

smartersiptvbox.com fournit un service de streaming vidéo en ligne qui permet aux clients de parcourir des offres distinctes de programmes en direct et à la demande. Par conséquent, en accédant ou en utilisant l’un des services smartersiptvbox.com, vous reconnaissez et acceptez ces conditions :

Modifications des conditions générales
Nous pouvons, à tout moment et à notre seule discrétion, modifier ces conditions d’utilisation, y compris notre politique de confidentialité, avec ou sans préavis au client. Une telle modification entrera en vigueur instantanément dès la publication ouverte. Votre utilisation continue de notre service et de ce site après une telle modification constitue votre reconnaissance de ces conditions modifiées.

Âge minimum requis
Pour devenir membre et utiliser les services smartersiptvbox.com, vous devez avoir au moins 18 ans.

Conditions d’utilisation et service
Vous ne pouvez pas, directement ou par l’utilisation de tout appareil, logiciel, site Web, service Web ou autre moyen, republier, distribuer, diffuser ou transmettre le Contenu.

Achats de tiers
Vos transactions et autres transactions avec des fournisseurs tiers qui sont sur ou via le Service, y compris “acheter maintenant” et d’autres programmes comparables, sont uniquement entre vous et ce concessionnaire.

Flow quality
A perfect viewing experience depends on your network access and device capabilities. Items will be based on your location, internet capacity, number of devices connected to the same network, the content you have chosen and the configuration of the device you are using. Subsequently, smartersiptvbox.com cannot give any guarantee on the content in this regard. Please note that sharing a subscription will result in permanent suspension or device banning.

Regions not supported
Our services are not available in the following countries: * Iran * China

Accuracy of information
All data you submit to our database must be accurate and up-to-date. You are responsible for all use of your account.

To access the Services, you must use devices that meet the system and compatibility requirements we establish in our Help Center.

Internet Service and Data Usage
You are responsible for all expenses related to your network access used to access our services.

Share a subscription
Sharing a subscription is not allowed. You can only open one active stream at a time. However, by purchasing additional connections, you can watch on multiple devices at the same time.

Purchase details
To make a purchase, you will need to follow the ordering procedures outlined through the Service. Pricing details for the Services and payment and delivery procedures are displayed through the Service and are subject to change without notice.

The number of channels and movies in the VOD library can be changed according to the update we do every week.

Suspension and downtime
In extension of our rights to terminate or suspend your access described above, you acknowledge that: your access to and use of the services may be suspended for the duration of any sudden or unforeseen interruption or unavailability of any part or all services for any reason.

All correspondence and notices to be made or offered under this Agreement shall be in English. We retain full authority to instantly terminate or limit your use of the Services or access to Content at any time, without notice or liability, if smartersiptvbox.com determines in its sole discretion that you have violated these Terms, disregarded any law, rule or regulation.

The logo and other marks, graphics, scripts are trademarks of smartersiptvbox.com None of the smartersiptvbox.com trademarks may be copied, downloaded or otherwise exploited.

Refund Policy
Terms and conditions

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